Who We Are

Mrs. Snehalata Rout -- CEO and Founder of My Odisha Products

The History Behind Our
My Odisha Products Company

My Odisha Products is a unique concept of bring local Odisha Homemade and authentic products at your doorstep. We ensure 100 % homemade quality which brings out the unique flavor of our products. The products are tested for safety and hygiene.  Our Product range include mouthwatering Pickles , Wide variety of Papad, amazing Mixture and Badi (Sun dried Lentil Dumpling).

Legal Disclaimer

The actual product packaging for a product may vary from that shown in the product details page of that product. The information provided for a product in the product detail pages has been provided by the seller and "My Odisha Products" is not liable for errors, if any. If you have a doubt on the accuracy of any information on a product, or if you would like more information, please contact the seller before ordering. You can do this by clicking on the envelope icon next to the seller name on the top right hand side of the product detail page of every product. Some products are sold by count; in such cases, the weight of these products shown is an approximate weight. Please also note that "My Odisha Products" does not source a product; every product in an order is directly shipped by the seller from his/her own place of business.