ЁЭРГЁЭРСЁЭРШ ЁЭРЕЁЭРСЁЭРФЁЭРИЁЭРУ ЁЭРМЁЭРИЁЭРЧ ЁЭРПЁЭРИЁЭРВЁЭРКЁЭРЛЁЭРД A tango of flavours between sweet and spicy make up this age-old recipe. A mix of matured cashew nuts, dates, raisins and a favourite among culinary lovers. A perfect companion to your meals and curries. All Sakurafresh pickles are made and cured by traditional methods and blended with spices and oil to give you truly authentic…
Tamarind pickle can be termed the tangiest proposition of the most relishing engagement with green Tamarind. Combined with Green Chilies and spices, ┬аTamarind pickle does not forget to season with the trademark Odiya process.